Getting involved in the Poppy project

If you want to take part of this project, maybe the first step is to become a member of the community on the Poppy forum. The forum is the very central place to exchange with users and contributors. You can freely come and talk about your project or ideas in your preferred language.

There are many ways to contribute to this project as the Poppy project involves a very large scope of disciplines:

  • Engineering fields such as AI, computer science, mechanics, electronics, machine learning...
  • Humanities such as cognitive science, psychology...
  • Life science such as biology, biomechanics,...
  • Community management, scientific mediation, communication...
  • Design such as web design, object design, UX,...
  • Art with the need of animator to create the illusion of life and emotions.

If you have no idea how you could help but you would want to, you are very welcome and you can take a look at open issues on our GitHub and call for contributions.

For github ninja, you can of course create issues to notify a problem or develop new amazing features and open pull requests to integrate your idea.

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